Put your Faith in a good Partnership

Do you have a proven business model?
Are you convinced that entrepreneurial commitment in distribution is crucial?

Swiss Distribution aims at companies that are interested in more than just the terms licensing, franchising or agency. Members of Swiss Distribution are companies that are willing to share their experience in distribution with independent distributors.

Our members are convinced that they can achieve strategic and operational benefit by means of systematically managed (often multi-channel) distribution systems and multiplication of proven organizational forms. Swiss Distribution networks in the field of distribution - regardless of the industry, is committed to promoting distribution expertise and making it attractive to future generations of management.


Distribution with potential

Managed distribution has the potential to make an important contribution in addressing today’s challenges in business and society:

It creates opportunities by providing employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Managed distribution, like franchise systems for instance, builds on ownership and local management.

Based on a proven business model ("proof of concept"), managed distribution networks offer numerous advantages:

Scalability by systematically introducing their business model to new locations or markets.

Leveraging expertise by transfer of knowledge to local markets. Tried-and-tested concepts can thus be multiplied and increase the efficiency of the business activities.

Training and innovation promotes the development of new ideas. By promoting a mentality of innovation and training of all system members, it is not always necessary to start "from scratch" to solve problems.

Thus, franchise, agency or license systems can be an attractive business strategy for all parties involved (system provider and distribution partner).


Swiss Distribution is convinced that such distribution systems are competitive business strategies. They create a basis for growth and thus entrepreneurial value creation. However, setting up or expanding your business in such a distribution format means carefully considering the various aspects of a managed distribution partnership.

Take your time in choosing the ideal distribution model. Become a member of Swiss Distribution and seek contact with other members. Ask questions. Get advice.


Dr. Christoph Wildhaber was Co-Managing Director of Swiss Distribution and is a lawyer with Streichenberg Attorneys at Law, Zurich.

Dr. Christoph Wildhaber


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